
The Pominese is a hybrid dog, also known as a designer dog. The Pominese is also known as a Pekeapom. The Pominese is a cross between the Pekingese and the Pomeranian. It is not always possible to determine the characteristics, temperament or traits of a mixed breed. You will likely find the Pominese has a combination of the characteristics found in both the Pekingese and the Pomeranian.

Pominese Pictures

Pominese hybrid dog

Pominese hybrid dog

Pominese hybrid dog

Pominese hybrid dog

Groomed Pominese hybrid dog

Peek-a-pom Pominese

Peek-A-Pom hybrid dog (left) and a Black Pomeranian(right)

Pominese aka Peke-A-Pom at 1 1/2 years old

Pominese aka Peke-A-Pom at 1 1/2 years old

Cute Pominese

Pominese hybrid dog

Pominese hybrid dog

This is our peke-a-pom Ellie. She is 1 1/2 years old. Her mother was a purebred Pekingese and her father was a purebred Pomeranian.

Our reader Dana writes, “The 1st picture is Alex a Pominese. He’s out of our first liter of Pominese puppies. Mother is a Peke, father Pom. The 2nd picture is Ellie (Pominese). We bought her from a breeder when she was 7 weeks old. She’s 1 1/2 years old now and in this picture she’s with her puppy Lizzy. Lizzy is a Pominese also, but her father is a purebred Pekingese so she came out looking almost completely Peke. The 3rd picture is Sasha (mother – Pekingese) with her 5 Pominese puppies. The pups are 10 weeks old in this picture. 4th picture is Silver one of Sasha’s puppies (Pominese) at 10 weeks old. The last picture is Stuart (Pominese) at 10 weeks old – Sasha’s pup.”
pominese hybrid dog

Pominese hybrid - pekingese and pomeranian

Elllie a pominese hybrid dog

pominese puppies

Pominese puppies with mommy

pekingese and pomeranian mix - peek-a-pom

Silver the Peek-a-Pom hybrid dog


Pominese puppy at 10 weeks

Pekingese and pomeranian hybrid dog

Peek-A-Pom 12 weeks old on his way to his new home!

pominese hybrid dog

Jackson the Pominese at 12 weeks old

Pominese aka peek a pom

Jackson at 20 weeks with his summer haircut!! So adorable

“My name Is Odene, here is a picture of my “Pominese” – Mu-Shi, she is about 8 weeks old in this picture!

My aunt has one just like her we bought them from the same breeder and hers is more beautiful than ANY of the images I’ve seen on the internet!”

Pekingese and pomeranian mix

Adorable Pominese Puppy

“Attached are pictures of our 10-week-old Pominese. Her mother is a purebred Pomeranian and her father is a purebred Pekingese. These pictures were taken when she was 9 weeks old.” – Ann

Black Pominese Puppy

Black Pominese hybrid dog Puppy

Black Pominese hybrid dog Puppy

Pominese hybrid dog

Adorable pominese puppy

Adorable pominese puppy